Be sure your baby always sleeps on their back.
Put your baby in a crib or bassinet that meets all safety standards. Never put wedges, sleep positioners, pillows, blankets, bumpers, or toys in the crib or bassinet.
Keep the crib or bassinet in the room where you sleep. Don't have your baby sleep in bed with you.
Breastfeed your baby, if possible.
Give your baby a pacifier at naptime and bedtime. If your baby is breastfeeding, wait until breastfeeding is going well before using a pacifier.
Don't let your baby get too hot while sleeping. Keep the room at a temperature that is comfortable for a lightly clothed adult. Don't put too many clothes on your baby and watch for signs of overheating, such as sweating.
If your baby falls asleep in a car seat, stroller, sling, or baby carrier, move them to the crib or bassinet as soon as possible.
Don't let anyone smoke around your baby.
Make sure everyone who cares for your baby follows these safe sleep practices.